The August issue of Square Enix‘s Monthly Shonen Gangan magazine published the final chapter of Shiwo Komeyama‘s Umeidō Hiyo to Danna-sama no Yabō (Hiyo Umeidō and the Master’s Ambition) manga on Monday. Square Enix will publish the manga’s fourth and final compiled book volume this fall.
The manga centers on the titular maid Hiyo Umeidō, who comes equipped with all manner of overpowered future technology, overwhelming cuteness, and mysterious radio tech, all to fullfill the ambitions of her master.
Komeyama launched the manga in Monthly Shonen Gangan in February 2016. Square Enix published the manga’s third volume in February 2019.
Komeyama launched the Bloody Cross manga in Monthly Shonen Gangan magazine in 2009 (after an earlier 2007 manga one-shot under her penname Aoi Mizuki), and ended it in 2015. Square Enix published 12 volumes for the manga. Yen Press released all 12 volumes in English.
Source: Monthly Shonen Gangan August issue