Warner Bros. Animation announced on Tuesday that it is producing a new animated film titled Catwoman: Hunted, with Shinsuke Terasawa (Gintama’ episode director, Yo-kai Watch animation director) directing the film and Greg Weisman (Gargoyles, Young Justice) penning the script. Elizabeth Gillies plays Catwoman in the film, which will debut in 2022.
Film news website The Hollywood Reporter describes the film:
Hunted, which is produced in an anime style, picks up with Catwoman as she attempts to steal a priceless jewel. The heist puts her squarely in the crosshairs of both a powerful consortium of villains and the ever-resourceful Interpol as well as Batwoman, voiced by Stephanie Beatriz.
Aside from Gillies and Beatriz, the cast includes Jonathan Banks as Black Mask, Steve Blum as Solomon Grundy, Lauren Cohan as Julia Pennyworth, Keith David as Tobias Whale, Zehra Fazal as Talia al Ghul & Nosferata, Jonathan Frakes as King Faraday and Boss Moxie, Kirby Howell-Baptiste as Barbara Minerva/Cheetah, Kelly Hu as Cheshire, Andrew Kishino as Mr. Yakuza and Domino 6, Eric Lopez as Domino 1, Jacqueline Obradors as La Dama, and Ron Yuan as Doctor Tzin.
Ethan Spaulding and Colin A.B.V. Lewis are credited as producers, while Sam Register is credited as executive producer.
Thanks to Andrew Laubacher for the news tip.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter (Aaron Couch)