Ideally, the Darkling surviving the Fold means the villain will have more screentime in Shadow and Bone Season 2.
Shadow and Bone Season 2 has a lot of questions to answer — one of them being how the Darkling survived the Fold. And as the show prepares to tell that tory in Season 2, it would be beneficial for the show to reveal that information in a way that makes the Darkling a more prominent figure in the upcoming season. Every good fantasy drama needs a big bad, after all, and the Darkling is the epitome of that, so he shouldn’t hide in the shadows. Instead, the Darkling should command them and put even more weight on Genya’s warning to be aware of powerful men.
As a refresher, the Darkling is a man who goes by General Kirigan, and leads the Second Army made up of Grisha. He’s also the only and seemingly all-powerful Shadow Summoner. The big reveal of Shadow and Bone Season 1 is that Kirigan is the person who created the Shadow Fold that divides Ravka. His grand plan is to expand its darkness and gain more control and power in the process. Ultimately, Alina, Mal, and the Crows work together to stop him during an epic confrontation in the season finale.
They are under the impression that the Darkling doesn’t survive the fight after a few volcra (humans-turned-creatures that live in the Fold) carry him into the darkness. However, the last shot delivers the final punch with an eery image of the Darkling emerging from the shadows. It’s not entirely shocking that he survives because evil rarely dies that easily. The most surprising part of his survival is that he’s forever changed by the Fold, figuratively and literally. He has black gashes on his face and mysterious shadowed figures on his heels.
Those shadowy figures, called nichev’ya, are keys to the Darkling’s survival in the Fold and out of it, but they can also be the things that lead to his demise. Since the Season 1 finale establishes their existence, it’s all but a surety that Season 2 will take a page from the second Shadow and Bone book, Siege and Storm, when it comes to their role in the story. They have fewer restrictions and more power, which makes them instantly more threatening than the volcra, and their uncanny similarity to the human form makes them creepier, as well.
The Darkling creates them using merzost — Ravkan for “abomination” and “magic.” Incidentally, it’s the same force that makes up the Fold. The nichev’ya follow the Darkling’s orders, but at a cost. The use of merzost always comes with consequences. The Darkling may weaponize the nichev’ya to weaken his opponents with their atrocious bites, but their existence weakens him. Still, their demise can only come from the Cut. Siege and Storm reveals this information, but it lets the Darkling fall to the wayside in a way the show shouldn’t.
Season 1 expands the Darkling’s presence beyond the source material in a way that elevates his evil schemes and the potential between him and Alina. Their possible romance isn’t actually romantic in the books because of his absence and how he’s far less inconspicuous about his master plan and toxic methods. Ben Barnes puts a lot behind the Darkling’s eyes on the show, making it a little easier to want to see his humanity — if any is left. Imagine what more desperation and screen time could mean for Barnes’ performance and the Darkling’s effect on the series.
The Darkling doesn’t have the General Kirigan facade to hide behind anymore. Plus, it’s only a matter of time before he realizes the nichev’ya’s effects on him. The wrath of the Darkling’s desperation will sting regardless of his screen time. Nevertheless, a hero and a villain are intrinsically linked throughout a story. Good villains have depth. Season 1 scratches the surface of the Darkling’ through an incredible performance by Barnes. Season 2 can expand on that so that whatever comes next — however sinister — has proper payoff.
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