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After the first two issues of Second Coming: Only Begotten Son, things aren’t going great for Jesus. The son of God has received a less-than-warm reception thus far upon his return to Earth. He finally thought he’d found his people when he stumbled upon a Christianity-themed amusement park, only to be chased out by Roman guards park security after no one wanted to hear what he actually had to say. And if that’s not bad enough, he has to find a new place to live now that his friend and former roommate, the superhero Sunstar, is expecting a baby with his wife.

Could things possibly get worse for Our Lord and Savior? If Christway Industry CEO Freddy Junior has anything to say about it, they just might.

Check out an exclusive five-page preview of Second Coming: Only Begotten Son #3 below. The latest issue of the AHOY Comics series arrives in stores next Wednesday, July 21st.

Second Coming: Only Begotten Son #3

Writer: Mark Russell
Artists: Richard Pace and Leonard Kirk
Colorists: Richard Pace and Andy Troy
Letterer: Rob Steen
Cover Artist: Richard Pace

The CEO of a religious-themed business tries to pull Jesus into his operation; an ancient church relic incites greed through the ages; Sunstar fears for his unborn son.

Also featuring illustrated bonus stories in the AHOY tradition.

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