Batman writer Scott Snyder reveals high tensions during the launch of The New 52 and the editorial mandates that almost made him quit the series.
Batman writer Scott Snyder revealed the editorial conflict that almost made him quit the series altogether
An oral history of The New 52, compiled by Polygon, detailed the work that went into DC Comics’ relaunch of all its titles from the people who worked on it. Leading up to the August 2011 release of new books, tensions were high behind the scenes, with Snyder discussing one particular moment of disagreement with editorial.
“We’d finished [the first Batman storyline] ‘Court of Owls,'” Snyder said. “It was at the printer, and word came down from above that they weren’t sure that they wanted Batman not to be able to solve the mystery of the Owls; whether Lincoln March was his brother. They wanted us to change it, to make it so that he’d definitively solved it.”
Snyder continued, “For me, that would have changed the entire story, because the point of the story was just the opposite. I remember standing in Target, pushing a cart of paper towels, screaming into the phone, ‘You go down the hallway and you tear up my contract!'” In the end, Snyder got his way.
The original ending to “The Court of Owls” was restored and as of this writing, it’s still unknown if the villain Lincoln March/Owlman is actually the long-lost Thomas Wayne Jr. or not. The “Court of Owls” storyline would go on to become a high point of The New 52 initiative and a favorite among fans, with elements of the story being adapted into the television series Gotham, the comic series Batman: The Adventures Continue (itself a continuation of Batman: The Animated Series) and the upcoming video game Gotham Knights.
Source: Polygon
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