Hi this is MamiKali20 with another Guest write up! Sorry it’s been so long but wanted to talk about Asuna and Kirito relationship one that I admire a lot. Hope you enjoy!
Asuna’s and Kirito’s relationship is one I admire. Asuna is a strong confident young lady and Kirito fights forward to beat the death game. Through out the entire series of Sword Art Online Asuna and Kirito are a strong couple. Kirito does everything to protect and save Asuna and in turn Asuna does the same later on down the road. Asuna is not jealous or insecure of the other girls being in love with Kirito. Which is something not even I would be ok with yet it doesn’t bother her cause she knows she is always in Kirito’s mind and heart. He chooses her through and through.
Another aspect that I love about their relationship is that to me personally I think Asuna fell for Yuki her friend and Kirito in turn fell for Eugene I think was his name. I don’t know for certain if this is true but I have a strong feeling it is when Asuna is talking to Yuki alone the Bi colors are in the sky. So to me I think both Kirito and Asuna would have been ok with the knowledge of their significant other being in love with someone else funnily enough both of them pass. Eugene and Yuki I mean. I often wonder if they had been alive what would happen. Either way the love Asuna and Kirito have is a strong healthy one built on trust, love, understanding and loyalty.
We should all aspire to be with our significant other the same way they’re with each other.