Saga, the epic comic series from writer Brian K. Vaughan and artist Fiona Staples, returns to Image Comics, kicking off a brand new story arc.
Saga, the bestselling comic series by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples, is returning to Image Comics.
Saga #55 will kick off a brand new story arc for Hazel and her family, which will span 54 new issues. “Other than my own family, collaborating with Fiona Staples on Saga is the most important thing in my life, so I can’t thank readers and retailers enough for their patience,” said Vaughan. “I think our next 54 issues will be even more shocking, strange, and spectacular than the first 54, so we can’t wait to be back on the shelves at your local comic shop soon.” Saga #55 hits shelves on Jan. 26, 2022.
Staples added, “I’ve really missed connecting with readers through the pages of Saga, so I’m thrilled to roll up my sleeves and dive into this world again. The next arc is already going places I never imagined. I’m so grateful that we’re able to keep doing this!”
Saga #55 will kickstart the second half of this award-winning series with a special, double-length issue consisting of 44 pages, available to purchase at the regular price of $2.99 without, per the press release, “variant covers and gimmicky renumbering.” To date, the series has been translated into 20 languages and sold seven million copies, which includes single issue, trade paperback, compendium, hardcover and digital editions. On top of being a best-selling comic series, Saga also boasts several Eisner Awards, Harvey Awards, a Hugo Award and more.
“Saga launched at Image during the company’s 20th anniversary in 2012, so it seems more than fitting that the series is returning to shops just in time for our 30th anniversary next year,” said Eric Stephenson, Chief Creative Officer and Publisher at Image Comics. “I can think of few better ways to celebrate what Image is all about than by welcoming back one of the most incredible storytelling teams in comics history as they embark on the second half of a true epic-in-the-making.”
The announcement for Saga #55 was made during the “In Conversation with Brian K. Vaughan” panel at NYCC on Oct. 9. Written by Vaughan and illustrated by Staples, Saga launched onto the scene in 2012 with a story centered around a forbidden love between two characters on opposing sides of a galaxy-wide war. Saga is available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play. The series will return with Saga #55 on Jan. 26, 2022, but fans can place their pre-orders any time before Jan. 3.
Source: Image Comics
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