The Romeo and the Black Brothers (Romeo no Aoi Sora, literally Romeo’s Blue Skies) anime is inspiring a musical that will run from March 30-April 3, 2022 at Tokyo Tatemono Brillia Hall. The musical’s staff opened an official website, and it streamed a trailer:
Hideyuki Nishimori (Danganronpa, My Hero Academia, Persona 5 stage plays, Moriarty the Patriot musical) is directing the musical. Chong Gwangsong of Vacar Entertainment is writing the screenplay. Syunsuke Wada is composing the music.
The Romeo and the Black Brothers anime premiered in 1995 as part of the World Masterpiece Theater series of anime based on classic literary works.
The anime is based on Lisa Tetzner‘s Die Schwarzen Brüder (The Black Brothers) novel. Tetzner published the novel in 1941. The story follows Romeo, a boy who sells himself as a chimney sweep to make money for his family. He meets a boy named Alfredo who is also a chimney sweep, and the two become “Black Brothers” together.
Sources: Romeo and the Black Brothers musical’s website, Comic Natalie, Mainichi Shimbun’s Mantan Web