Stan Lee may no longer be with us, but his inspiring words – and Stan Lee’s POW! Entertainment, a company he helped found – live on. And POW! has just teamed with crowdfunding publisher Rocketship Entertainment for Stan Lee’s Genesis, the first tabletop game based on “The Man.”
The news rolled out just ahead of this week’s Emerald City Comic-Con. The tile based game invites players to use some of Stan’s storytelling skills to create a whole new universe of heroes and villains and cross-overs. It’s a game so vast that it’s been in the works for years, and features more than 200 original characters co-created by Rocketship Entertainment Publisher and longtime Stan Lee collaborator Tom Akel and Eisner-nominated artist Ryan Benjamin.
Stan Lee’s Genesis is a tile building game in which players each create their own universe using a system of resources that consists of Spark, Energy, Motivation, Conflict, and Empathy. Players build their own terrain, beginning with a nexus tile. As the game progresses players may link their terrain to create a larger board through “crossover” events. Each player continues to build the universe through resources and card assets, creating various elements, including: Heroes, Villains, Teams, Terrain Features and Locations, Plots, and Events.
Every game is different as players both compete and collaborate as they construct a comic book universe full of heroes, villains, super teams, evil syndicates, galactic threats, and all-encompassing crossover events!
“We are honored to team up once again with Rocketship Entertainment to pay homage to Stan’s creativity and ingenuity with a game that challenges fans to follow in Stan’s footsteps in a fun and engaging way,” said POW! Entertainment President Gill Champion, in a statement.
“Stan Lee’s Genesis puts the power of creation into the hands of the players and honors the legacy of Stan Lee’s brilliance as one of the preeminent creative forces of the 20th and 21st centuries,” said designer and Rocketship Entertainment CEO Akel, who previously worked on games and apps for Marvel, South Park, The Daily Show, Teen Wolf, and the MTV Video Music Awards.
Those itching to start building worlds the Stan Lee way will be able to pre-order Stan Lee’s Genesis on Kickstarter, with reguoalr retail distribution to follow. Sign up for alerts and news at stanleesgenesis.com.