After dying, Jason Todd was resurrected using a Lazarus Pit. In Task Force Z, the hero dies again, with his latest rebirth coming with a twist.
Task Force Z makes Jason Todd relive one of his not-so-favorite pastimes: dying.
The second Robin is known for being murdered by the Joker’s hand (with some assistance from a crowbar and explosives) after comic book fans voted him out of the DC Universe for Batman‘s “A Death in the Family” arc. Jason was later resurrected as the Red Hood nearly two decades later in Batman: Under the Red Hood, thanks to Superboy Prime shattering reality and a Lazarus Pit bath courtesy of Ra’s and Talia al Ghul (mostly Talia — Ra’s was not happy about it). In a preview of Task Force Z #3, Jason dies for a second time after getting shot by an undead Deadshot, returning to the land of the living once again with some help of the Lazarus kind.
Jason has been leading a zombified version of the Suicide Squad, Task Force Z, as a part of Project Halperin, led by a mystery handler only known as Crispin. Though the secretive organization does not make use of a Lazarus Pit to save Jason, they have access to a drug called “Lazarus Resin,” which is derived from the pits and allows the squad’s zombified members to be reanimated. However, if someone were to be given a full dose, they would be completely revived as a normal person (without the urge to consume human flesh), which is exactly how Jason comes back for a third round.
Jason explains this to the zombified Deadshot, who visits Jason to apologize while he is recovering. Deadshot aka Floyd Lawton has been dead in comics since Sept. 2020 after being shot and killed by Black Mask during writer Tom Taylor and artist Bruno Redondo’s run on Suicide Squad. Though Jason tells Lawton that Halperin will eventually give him the full dose for services rendered, Lawton points out that he might prefer to remain dead than be on another Suicide Squad, let alone as a zombie.
The truth of who is behind Task Force Z remains a mystery, but it seems as though Lawton may indirectly be working for Suicide Squad handler Amanda Waller again. Col. Rick Flag name dropped the new team while berating Waller in Suicide Squad #1 this year, who would later use Lazarus Resin to bring one of her squad’s members, Culebra, back as an undead version of herself. The preview and solicitation for Task Force Z #3 can be found below.
- Art and cover by EDDY BARROWS and EBER FERREIRA
- Variant cover by RODOLFO MIGLIARI
- 1:25 variant cover by PAMELA HOOGEBOOM
- $3.99 US | 32 pages | $4.99 US Variant (Card Stock)
- ON SALE 12/28/21
- There’s no rest for the wicked! Especially if you’re Floyd Lawton, a.k.a. Deadshot. He thought the mission that killed him would be his last, but now he’s been recruited into Task Force Z. But Deadshot’s never liked playing by anyone’s rules…and Red Hood and his would-be team are going to learn that the hard way!
Task Force Z #3 is written by Matthew Rosenberg with pencils by Eddy Barrows, inks by Eber Ferreira, colors and cover art by Adriano Lucas and letters by Rob Leigh. Variant covers for the issue were created by Rodolfo Migliari and Pamela Hoogeboom. The issue goes on sale Dec. 28 from DC Comics.
Source: DC Comics
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