
It’s just a week since the second season finale of Star Trek: Lower Decks was released for streaming on Paramount+, and it’s already feeling like we’re in the most unbearable break between seasons since Captain Picard had his name forcibly changed to Locutus of Borg. But there’s a light at the end of the wormhole, Lower Deckers: in a Tweet sent on Wednesday, October 20th, 2021, series creator Mike McMahan strongly hinted that Lower Decks books and comics were on the way!

Where No Lower Decker Has Gone Before
The conversation started when Twitter user Oleg Ryzhikov asked why we don’t have any Lower Decks comics or books yet.
He soon got a response from John Van Critters, the VP of Star Trek brand development: “There are definitely people that know what’s up with that,” Tweeted Van Critters. “We’re just pretty good at not leaking stuff.”
A couple Tweets later, McMahan confirmed that supposition:
Yes we are very good at keeping secrets about Lower Decks books and comics.
— Mike McMahan (@MikeMcMahanTM) October 20, 2021
Van Critters dryly replied that they should consider adapting the series to the page, and McMahan replied, “Ugh, if only we had been working on this for ages! What were we thinking?”
Star Trek: Lower Decks

From this exchange, it seems pretty hard to deny that we have Lower Decks tie-in books and comics on the horizon. There’s no details yet on where they might be published, but IDW currently holds the license for Trek comics (as readers of the currently ongoing Year of Mirror are already well aware).
Also, if this exchange with Pulp & Politics is accurate, then we may also have some more delicious tie-in products in our future… I’m talking about taco seasoning!
Only the taco seasoning.
— Mike McMahan (@MikeMcMahanTM) October 21, 2021
This makes sense, since the replicators on California-class vessels (like the Cerritos) are programmed with the best Mexican food in all of Starfleet!
What do you hope to see from the Lower Decks tie-in books and comics, and why is it a Captain’s Table one-shot comic featuring Captain Carol Freeman? We’re waiting to hear from you, Lower Deckers! Let us know what you think, either here in the comment section or over on social media @comicsbeat!
