Rain can be pretty dispiriting, right? Granted, epic downpours are often quite exciting, particularly if you happen to be inside all warm and cosy, but if you live in certain parts of the world (shout out to our temperate climate homies), the incessant drizzle of rain during the spring and fall months can be depressing, to say the least.
It doesn’t have to be, though! If you happen to be based in Japan or are okay with importing products, WPC Store is now stocking some awesome Super Mario themed umbrellas in partnership with Nintendo. There are four designs to choose from, including the classic underwater level from Super Mario Bros., a block border design, a logo design, and a design featuring various character and object sprites.
Naturally, the underwater-themed umbrella is probably our favourite of the four choices, because it just makes sense, right? Seeing water cascading down the umbrella as you’re strolling through the rain, you can pretend you’re right in the middle of an underwater level! Stick the theme tune on Spotify and you’re good to go (oh wait, you can’t).
The umbrellas can be ordered now for the relatively reasonable price of ¥1,980 (roughly $15) at WPC Store or via Amazon. You can grab them with international shipping using the links below.
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What do you think of these Super Mario umbrella designs? Share your thoughts in the comments below.