Toby Fox, the creator of Undertale and Deltarune, will seemingly begin writing columns for Weekly Famitsu Magazine, according to Famitsu itself.
The column will be called “Toby Fox’s Secret Base” with the first piece featuring in Weekly Famistu Magazine dated September 29th, 2022. Fox will effectively be replacing Masahiro Sakurai, director of games such as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Kid Icarus: Uprising, who previously wrote over 600 articles for Famitsu between 2003 and 2021.
Sakurai has since gone on to produce YouTube videos on the practice of game development. His videos include a breakdown of ‘risk and reward’ in video games, along with the ideal framerate developers should be striving for. He’s also recently celebrated a significant milestone, with his YouTube channel surpassing 700,000 subscribers; a feat that would take years for a lot of other channels.
As for Toby Fox, the creator also frequently composes video game music, most recently announcing that he has contributed new music to the upcoming Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, due for launch on November 18th, 2022.
What do you make of Toby Fox’s new venture with Famistu? Share your thoughts in the usual place!