
Random: Turns Out Elite Beat Agents Predicted ‘Nintendo Pictures’ Years Ago


Elite Beat Agents
Image: Nintendo

Having acquired Dynamo Pictures — the production company behind the Pikmin Short Movies — Nintendo recently announced its intention to rebrand, with the studio formally becoming ‘Nintendo Pictures Co., Ltd.’. While the name change will be a surprise to many, eagle-eyed fans of Elite Beat Agents may have seen this coming since that game’s release in 2006.

As a part of the ‘Makes No Difference’ mission — which sees the agents deployed to use their signature dance moves to help out a stressed movie director — the lovely Zion-from-Nintendo-Life noticed that the film’s clapperboards state its production company as ‘Nintendo Pictures’.

Observe the timestamped YouTube video below:

Of course, this is obviously nothing more than a happy coincidence, with the fictional movie set just happening to align with Nintendo’s rebrand…

Or perhaps these foundations really were being laid in 2006! Perhaps Nintendo was testing out the potential of its production arm, hoping to one day make its fictional film studio a reality. After all, where better to look to the future than on a virtual movie set surrounded by exceptionally well-dressed dancing secret agents?

Let us know if you think EBA predicted the future with a comment below.


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