
Random: This In-Development Musical Video Game Went Viral On TikTok


Stefan from Sword of Symphony
Image: Stephen Ddungu

I was browsing TikTok last night, attempting to distract myself from the sticky heat of Nova Scotia by peeking through into other people’s lives, when I stumbled across this TikTok, by developer Stephen Ddungu:

TikTok is not huge for video games yet, but that’s starting to change. The algorithm that determines what’s on your front page is very perceptive; the stuff I get shown is pretty accurate to my interests. Yet I rarely see game stuff on there, and what I do see is tailored towards relatively new or young gamers with specific interests: the best “wholesome” games, “cosy” games, that sort of thing. It’s almost always Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, or other games that are just the tip of the cottagecore iceberg.

Recently, though, I’ve been seeing an increase in actual game development content. Developer Mochitoki has been showing off the behind-the-scenes of their game Loddlenaut; gh0st.punk has been explaining how mechanics actually work in video games; even Among Us is in on it, with 2.2 million followers — almost twice as many as they have on Twitter.

So, yes, developers have been coming to TikTok a little late, but that hasn’t affected their popularity — and Stephen Ddungu‘s game is a fantastic sign of the power of this (relatively) new social media. I would never have seen this game if it wasn’t for TikTok; other social media falls short when it comes to discoverability. Twitter only shows me what other people have seen, and Reddit only shows me content from the subreddits I already follow.

But enough about the power of social media! Just look at Sword of Symphony, and appreciate how clever it is. Ddungu has only posted two videos to TikTok so far, but he already has 2 million views and nearly 150,000 followers — a testament to how intriguing his game idea is. And he’s only 22!


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