
Splatoon 3 is now just around the corner and we are being drip-fed more content on it each day, with the adverts getting bigger and bigger. Sure, you could watch Nintendo’s new five-minute-long trailer published just today, but for those of you who want to step up your Splatoon consumption ahead of launch, look no further than this staircase in Seoul.
This huge Splatoon 3 advertisement was spotted by Redditor, getHi9h (thanks, Go Nintendo), at Yongsan station in the South Korean capital, and we can’t help but marvel at the size of it. To create a poster that large is one thing, but to intricately paste it across hundreds of steps? Now that’s a lot of work. We doff our caps to you, marketing team and pastes-posters-on-stairs-team.
They say that sometimes you need to take a step back to really appreciate a piece of art, and this ad does just that (though we would recommend taking a few more than just one step). Looking at the size of this project, we think it’s fair to say that Nintendo wants everyone and their dog to know about Splatoon 3. With messaging this size, it’s difficult to miss!
In case you did somehow miss it, Splatoon 3 is set to release on Switch on September 9th. If you can’t wait until then, be sure to keep an eye on the Nintendo Treehouse Presentation scheduled for this Thursday where you can expect to find out even more new ink-formation about the upcoming title.
Are you excited for Splatoon 3? Let us know in the comments!