
Welcome to the Theory Corner, folks. Put on your tinfoil hat and grab your tinfoil popcorn, because today we’re going to be diving deep into some intricate, confusing, entirelyspeculative Pokémon lore.
Of course, this is post-game lore, so please — if you haven’t finished the game, or you don’t want to know about potential updates and DLC, don’t read on!
With that out of the way, let’s take a look at the swirling void of spoilers that constitute this latest Pokémon Scarlet and Violet theory.
The simple version: It looks like there’s a secret in Pokémon ScarVi’s Area Zero. Is it a Pokémon? A new area? A discovery about Paldea’s past? All of the above?! No one knows. Yet.
The more complicated version: A Pokémon player known as The SkabRabbit on Twitter has outlined some discoveries in Scarlet and Violet that seem to hint at the existence of some more post-game content, potentially DLC. By cross-referencing the history books in the game with the artifacts found in Area Zero, the community believes they have found hints of… something. They’re just not sure what.

In Professor Turo’s lab, there are mentions of a disk-like being, made of “layers of overlapping hexagons”, which may or may not be a Pokémon — it certainly doesn’t match the appearance of any known ‘mons. It is theorised within the game that this being is the cause of Terastallizing. But this is just the surface level. It goes deeper.
Examining the available information in the game, The SkabRabbit demonstrates the recurrence of the number four — four Ruinous Pokémon, four symbols on the title screen, four co-op players, four missing entries in the Hall of Fame, four circles in the strange metal plate in Area Zero…

…it all seems to tie together nicely. Except that there are still some loose threads. First of all, there are mysterious artworks in Artazon that weren’t made by Brassius, all of which seem to be based on the themes of paradox, time, and strange geometry.

And there’s the Poco Path lighthouse, which you can visit in the post-game. It looks like it’s been abandoned for a long time, and yet, there are signs of the kitchen being used recently. Used by whom?
The SkabRabbit also thinks that there may be some correlation between the symbol for Area Zero and the map itself, as it seems to line up with where the settlements are on the map itself when superimposed.

Of course, all of this might just be speculation. But it’s not entirely out of the question that the loremasters at Game Freak are planning something big. Remember the Braille puzzle in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire that unlocked the Regis? Or the Ruins of Alph in Gold and Silver? Even in Scarlet and Violet, it turns out that there’s an Easter Egg to do with Team Star that shows that the designers had secrets in mind.
We wouldn’t be surprised if all this business with sandwiches and art and circles is laying the groundwork for future DLC with new legendaries, but we don’t have any solid answers yet… just questions.
Have you noticed any cool secrets in Pokémon Scarlet and/or Violet? Tell us your thoughts and theories in the usual place.