
Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit’s already earned the titles of ‘most unique take on a Mario Kart title’ and ‘game most likely to aggravate your cat’, but now it’s going for the honour of being the most likely game to help you out in a tight spot at home, too.
As you may already know, Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit’s karts – both Mario and Luigi sets are available – include a camera that’s used to display your home’s surroundings on your Switch or TV as you race. It’s a pretty neat package all in all, and racing around circuits made up of obstacles like your sofa, TV unit and ever-moving children certainly makes for some interesting gameplay.
That camera isn’t just useful for racing, though, as Twitter user @knny demonstrates below. As you can see, the trusty duo of Mario Kart and Switch console can double up as a nifty camera system, perfect for exploring areas inaccessible to people larger than a toy car (so everyone, then).
Somebody show this to Miyamoto – there’s a game idea in here somewhere.
Have you picked up a Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit set? Do you get much use out of it? Let us know in the comments.