
Random: Fan Transforms N64 To Play Switch Games, Complete With Cart Reader And USB Inputs


N64 with Switch cartridge reader
Image: QnadianBacon

Modern games are ace, but there’s also nothing quite like the clunky plastic of older systems, so how can you enjoy the best of both worlds at the same time? Well, just rip out the insides of an N64 and stick a Switch in there, apparently.

Yes, one fan going by the name QnadianBacon has taken an old and broken Nintendo 64 – bought as ‘for parts’ on eBay – and placed all of the necessary components that make a Nintendo Switch tick inside. Thanks to their hard work, the N64 casing now features a Switch cartridge slot (so no console docking required) and the controller ports have been transformed into USB ports, allowing for four wired controllers to be used at once.

“Besides the fact it looks cool and was fun to make, I wanted a dock that kept the Switch horizontal and had 4 built-in USB ports so I could use other 3rd-party controllers,” QnadianBacon says. “That, and I’m nostalgic for the N64 I never had growing up (but played every chance I got).” The final product, which you can see in more detail below, has been dubbed the ‘NS64’.

As you’d expect, putting all of this together was no simple task, and QnadianBacon has shared an excellent rundown of the entire process over on Imgur. The final setup makes use of a new power supply, a USB port hub, fans, an official Switch dock motherboard, a game card extension cable, LEDs, and lots more.

N64 with Switch cartridge reader
Image: QnadianBacon

Right, hands up… Who wants an N64 that can play Switch games?


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