
Random: Fan Creates Animal Crossing: New Horizons Island For “Ugly” Villagers


Animal Crossing Ugly Villagers
Image: Nintendo / Nintendo Life

The Animal Crossing series is known for its cute and cuddly vibes. You wake up, go fishing, talk to villagers, and generally have a lovely time. But with such a large cast of characters, players all have their own favourites, and many of the animals are created to reflect real breeds of that particular animal, or even represent historical or fun ideas, like Lucky — who’s a mummified dog — or Hopkins, an inflatable rabbit.

With Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players can manipulate who they want on their island by using amiibo cards, being a general pain to those they don’t like, or simply ignoring the ones they come across on the Island Tours. Because of this, there’s a pile of rejected Animal Crossing villagers that are deemed as “ugly”, and therefore are left in a rejected pile of unloved Animal Crossing characters. But one Reddit user is trying to change that and give these “ugly” villagers the home they deserve.

amydonelly13 has created a paradise for all of these “unique” villagers who all often appear in those “Ugliest/Worst Animal Crossing Villagers” lists you see knocking around the internet. Some usual suspects like Barold the bear (who’s meant to be a cub, but…is that facial hair?), the lip-stick donning Jambette, and the ever-grimacing Tabby.

amydonelly13 completed her island by grabbing a few amiibos to fill out the remaining residents. The island’s existence and the villagers have prompted some discussion among fans though. Many have come out to defend a few of the residents who have been dubbed ugly. Who knew Jambette had fans, with many calling her “cute”! And Hazel’s unibrow also has some admirers, and one user has even said that she might have an interest in famous Mexican artist Frida Kahlo.

However, others think there should be more than ten houses to accommodate more villagers who aren’t on the list, such as Rodney the hamster or Moose the mouse. But this island is a safe space for these villagers, who can live in peace and stop being rejected by the many Animal Crossing players out there.

Everyone has their opinions on the ugliest or cutest Animal Crossing villagers, or even species, so share with us whether you agree with this “Ugly” island, tell us who you’d have on yours, or perhaps sound off and disagree with some of these choices!


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