Punisher co-creator Gerry Conway believes the hero’s skull logo can be reclaimed from the far right by using it for causes such as Black Lives Matter.
Frank Castle co-creator Gerry Conway believes Marvel can still reclaim the Punisher’s skull icon from the radical right.
In an appearance on the Endless Thread podcast transcribed by 99% Invisible, host Ben Brock Johnson spoke to Conway about how the public’s perception of the Punisher has changed over time. The writer said he believes the Punisher’s skull symbolizes justice rather than oppression. Conway also addressed skeptics who say it’s impossible to separate the logo from its modern political associations. “Even if that were the case, sticking your finger in the eye of the bad guys is always a good deal. And putting out sweatshirts that had the BLM logo with the Punisher logo is a pretty hefty ‘F- you’ to people who deserve to have an ‘F- you.'”
Conway, who created Frank Castle alongside artist John Romita Sr. and Ross Andru in Amazing Spider-Man #129, has been vocal about his stance on the far right’s use of Punisher iconography. In 2020, he launched a fundraiser called “Skulls for Justice,” which called on fans to put their spin on the logo by applying it to causes such as racial justice, gender equality and support for the trans community. Conway used the winning designs on various apparel items that raised money for their respective causes. One such design, which turned the Punisher’s skull into a Black power fist, helped raise over $75,000 for the Los Angeles chapter of Black Lives Matter.
Despite Conway’s efforts, the emblem has become synonymous with many far-right causes, thanks partly to the prevalence of bootleg Punisher merchandise merging the skull with causes such as “Blue Lives Matter,” “Green Lives Matter” and QAnon. Though these products seemingly violate Marvel’s copyright of the image, the company has been noticeably lax in handling the illegal memorabilia.
Still, Conway does have an idea for how Marvel can help address the subject. Instead of continuing to publish comics about Frank, he suggests the publisher pass the mantle of the Punisher to a new character. Conway believes this new Punisher should be a Black veteran, allowing Marvel to explore similar themes and connect with minorities’ issues through a new lens.
While it remains to be seen if Marvel takes Conway’s advice, the publisher plans to change things up for Frank. In March, writer Jason Aaron, artists Jesús Saiz and Paul Azaceta and colorist Dave Stewart will be the creative team for a 13-part prestige Punisher series. The book sees Frank leave his Punisher armor behind for a new role as the Beast, a warlord of the Hand. News of the series caused a stir of controversy among fans, with many seeing it as the publisher’s way of sidestepping the political associations that currently plague the character.
Source: Endless Thread, via 99% Invisible
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