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Promare: 10 Things You’ll Only Notice On A Rewatch


Promare is a movie from Studio TRIGGER, the same studio behind other zany anime such as Kill La Kill and Brand New Animal. Promare is brightly colored and moves so fast that it’s hard to even catch the plot the first time around.

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Promare is so complex, it takes multiple watches to catch everything that’s happening and appreciate all the surprises hidden throughout the vibrant world TRIGGER has set forth.

9 Gueira Has A Tattoo But It Only Shows Up In One Shot In The Short

Promare Lio-Hen Gueiras Tattoo

Gueira and Meis share more than being the only named characters within the movie that don’t have a surname. They also share a set of tattoos, but Gueira’s is only seen in the shot where Lio is chiding them for giving the Burnish a bad name with their antics in the Lio-Hen short.

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They each have one half of a set of tattoos standing in for a pair of Japanese Gods that roughly translates to Lightning Blade and Wind Blade respectively. The creators said they are there to signify that the pair are Lio’s protectors, but the same set of tattoos have also been used in other media to signify couples, so there very well could be more to it than they are willing to reveal.

8 Galo Is Already On The Truck At The Beginning

Promare Galo Asleep On The Truck At The Beginning

During the opening sequence when the Burning Rescue are gearing up and dispatching for the Mad Burnish attack on Foresight Pharmaceuticals, Galo is strangely absent from the preparations. The first time most viewers notice the hero is when he is given his dramatic entrance a few minutes later after Aina cannot breach the Burnish lightning.

However, he is actually already on the truck and can be seen in very quick shots. The first is when he’s at the very bottom of the screen asleep, but the pan up kicks him out of frame quickly. The second is just before Remi and Varys are deployed, where he is sitting in the back of the screen waiting his turn with his arms crossed much like he was in the Galo-Hen short.

7 The Song Playing In The Background Of Lio’s Reveal In Lio-Hen Is Galo’s Theme

Promare Lio-Hen Lio Burning Through Vulcans Ice

Throughout the actual Promare movie, every time Lio has a significant moment the song “Kakusei” plays in the background, with “The Gallant Ones” playing when he and Galo are teamed up in Deus X Machina, Lio de Galon, and Galo de Lion. Galo’s song in the background is always “Inferno” or their word salad-named instrumental counterparts.

There are few exceptions, such as when Lio is explaining the Burnish to Galo in the cave. However, the most significant is during his reveal in his own Lio-hen short. The instrumental of “Inferno” is playing instead of any version of “Kakusei.”

6 The Burnish Have A Dog

Promare Burnish Dog Emphasis On The Dog

Shapes play an incredible role within Promare. Every time that Foresight is spoken about, referenced, or has a direct hand in something, there are squares. That even includes the light beating down on his city or over Galo and Aina’s shoulders while they are talking about him at the frozen lake. Dr. Deus Prometh has significant circles all about his lab, from the shape itself, to the elevator, to the screens, to the lights on the floor.

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The Burnish all have triangles, which both are there for the alchemical symbol for fire as well as being half a square and thus half a person according to Kray Foresight. Every Burnish has a triangle somewhere on them, some more obvious than others. That includes a dog that can be seen in one wide shot of the Burnish settlement just before Vulcan and the rest of Freeze Force hits it with their ambush.

5 Gueira And Meis Do Not Appear To Be Affected By The Promatech Engine

Gueira Meis Promatech Engine

The faulty Promatech Engine is shown multiple times to have detrimental effects on the Burnish trapped within. When Galo is first introduced to the concept by Kray himself, the Pizza Maker is strapped into a test version where it immediately starts chipping away at his life, turning his fingertips into ash. When Lio is put into the engine’s core using parts from Deus X Machina in order to power the entire engine, he flat out dies, losing an entire arm in the process. Galo has to use a form of Burnish CPR in order to restore him.

Lio is considered the strongest Burnish, at least among everyone who isn’t Kray Foresight himself. This is shown by the number of horns on his armor compared to the others, with his having three, Gueira coming in second with two, and Meis in third with one. So if the energy of the faulty engine was enough to chip away at the Pizza Maker and kill Lio, it would make sense that those trapped in the walls of the Parnassus would also be affected. However, when viewers are shown Gueira and Meis when Lio is asking for help from the Burnish to make Galo de Lion, they appear to be completely intact despite the fact Gueira was shown in just as much pain as the others once the engine started.

4 The Squares In The Opening Sequence Become The Supports For The Parnassus’ Ceiling

Promare Red Squares Turning Into The Supports Of The Parnassus

The whole opening sequence has a ton of shapes blatantly in the face of viewers, so the squares appearing on the top of the buildings as the camera pans around the sparkling city could easily be pushed aside as mere aesthetics. However, the bright red squares and rectangles continue to be seen throughout other shots where the roofs can be seen, all the way until the Parnassus emerges.

At this point, the red squares disappear, but in their place, there are supports that emerge from the rooftops and are used to support the ceiling of the Parnassus once it closes. It’s a jaw-dropping realization once it hits, and takes many of the other seemingly aesthetic design choices into question.

3 The Edge Of The Parnassus Can Be Seen Behind Kray Foresight In His Office

Promare Kray Foresights Office Parnassus Outline Behind Him

One shot that doesn’t get as much attention as it rightfully should is where Galo is confronting Kray Foresight in his office about his treatment of the Burnish. Galo feels he doesn’t deserve to have a medal when he’s not really being given it by someone who is doing terrible things to people and wants to return it. Kray himself is sitting in a strangely simplistic office with massive windows, and behind him, there is a massive shot of Promepolis while he attempts to subtlety make Galo go away.

This particular shot could be easily cast aside as an aesthetic choice, giving depth to the vastness of the city by making the nearer buildings clearer and brighter with the further out buildings less so. However, a careful look will show that only the buildings that are part of the Parnassus are clean and shiny looking.

2 Fennel Volcano Erupts Into A Temporary Image Of Lio’s Face

Promare Fennel Volcano Erupting In Lios Face

Promare does wonders with its animation choices, shifting styles and blending them in a way that is actually pleasing to the eye unlike many other anime that try to do the same thing. The benefit of this is there are some amazing transformation sequences and subtle designs that appear in quick scenes, such as the eruption of Fennel Volcano.

After Lio breaks free from the absolute zero chain-freezing bullet Vulcan shot him with, he is rightfully furious. So much so that his rage spurs the volcano into a massive explosion, with it temporarily taking on his own visage during the explosion.

1 Galo De Lion Explodes Into A Heart Shape

Promare Galo De Lion Heart Explosion

When Galo and the newly revived Lio join back together with the aid of all of the captured Burnish combine to form the massive Galo de Lion mecha, the transformation includes a flashy explosion transformation sequence shaped like a heart. This happens only minutes after a very prolonged kiss of life, a punch to Galo’s former idol’s face, and a whole speech about combining together as one.

All of that could easily be ignored if not for the heavy focus the movie put on shapes, as well as in the Japanese dub where Lio refers to Galo with the “-kun” honorific once he’s revived, which is strictly reserved for showing affection. There is no way that the heart was unintentional, but it happens so quickly with a fast-moving climactic scene that it could go unnoticed on a first watch.

NEXT: Promare: 10 Similar Anime For Fans To Binge On

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