Comics Reviews

Professor X’s Son Will Defy His Approach to Leadership in Legion of X


Legion of X writer Simon Spurrier explains how Legion’s approach to leadership differs from that of his father, Professor X, in the upcoming series.

According to Legion of X writer Simon “Si” Spurrier, David Haller/Legion has a rather different approach to leading the denizens of Krakoa than his father, Charles Xavier/Professor X.

Spurrier, who previously wrote the Marvel limited series Way of X, says that by the time that book ended, Legion realized that he had to step out of the shadows. “He got this gradually awakening ambition for leadership,” the writer explained in an exclusive interview with CBR. “There’s a lot of stuff in Legion of X about him deliberately seeking to be a different sort of leader than his dad.”

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Spurrier assured that Legion “loves and respects Charles Xavier,” though “makes no bones about the fact that Charles Xavier is a really bad parent. And if you have a population like Krakoa, the necessities for your leader are somewhat different than if you have a repressed, tormented, rarefied underclass, which was the mutant narrative up until now… So, Charles Xavier was a very good leader for mutantkind while they were going through these punishing, awful years in the wilderness.”

However, since mutants are now “the strongest faction on Earth,” Xavier’s tactics are “arguably no longer what people need. They might be a real problem. So, we start to see Legion having these thoughts and wondering if he could present an alternative.”

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Spurrier elaborated, “One of the ways he’s doing that is at the end of Way of X he had taken himself up to the top of the tallest volcano in the solar system on Olympus Mons on Mars, he sat down, and he planted a Krakoan gate seed inside his own brain. It allows anyone who wants to step through a portal into this beautiful, mad, non-euclidian, psychedelic, space which he calls the Altar. It’s a place of healing and culture where anyone can enter a warming hive mind called the Choir.”

In addition to Legion himself, Legion of X centers on the likes of Nightcrawler, Pixie and Juggernaut. This unique team of mutants seeks to bring justice to Krakoa and protect its people — and they’ll “do anything to protect mutants’ right to pursue happiness and hope.”

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Written by Simon Spurrier and illustrated by Jan Bazaldua, Legion of X #1 goes on sale April 20 from Marvel Comics.

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