Yes, the Direct teaser (below) did not give us a lot to go on, so this will be a little tricky — but aren’t all the best puzzles this way? We have no Hint Coins to cash in on this one, so we’ve opened up the Memo tab and started jotting down our theories.
Oh, and just to be clear, we do discuss the endings to a number of Layton games in this one, so watch out for spoilers ahead if you do still want to stay in the dark.
Let the speculayton begin…
Everything we know about the new Layton game so far
What do we know so far? Well, Professor Layton and the New World of Steam is definitely happening, but what exactly it will entail is another mystery entirely.
Fortunately, we have the above teaser to go on — hardly the most revealing piece of evidence, is it? — but enough room to spin some theories all the same. Starting with…
That title
Professor Layton and the New World of Steam, huh? What exactly is going on there?
Well, for starters, we love how the word “New” has managed to worm its way into this one. Look, it’s even emphasised in a different shade of red when the title appears on screen! It’s as if Level-5 is saying “remember that Katrielle game from a few years back? No you don’t! This is nothing to do with that one!” and we respect that. There will be plenty of Katrielle chat to come, but from the title, at least, it looks like this entry will be making the most of its status away from the events of The Millionaire’s Conspiracy.
As for the “World of Steam”, we immediately went back to the ending of The Lost Future and the emotional damage that caused us. Those spinning cogs in the lead-up to the title reveal must speak to something, and which game in the series is more cog-based than all of the time-travelling shenanigans in the third entry?
So not a prequel then? Hmm, time for a timeline deep dive we think.
When in the world?
If you were to look at a Venn diagram of Professor Layton and Star Wars fandoms, one of the few points that you would find in the middle section (alongside a fair amount of dad denial) is an obsession with non-linear timelines. After all, where’s the fun in making episode four follow the narrative of episode three?
For Professor Layton (like Star Wars) there’s the original trilogy, then the prequel trilogy, then a series of stragglers that fit in wherever they can (the Rogue Ones and Solos of the puzzler world, since we’re insisting on pushing this analogy further). By the looks of all those cogs and the emphasis on new, we’d think that the next entry is set to follow the original trilogy, but this isn’t the only option by any means.
Do you see the animation on ol’ Hershel’s back there? This is certainly closer to the 3D visual style of the final two mainline games, so might we be looking at another in-between story crammed betwixt The Azran Legacy and The Curious Village?
Based on how the former ends with the detective duo pulling up at the site of the latter, we’d be tempted to say no. But then again, road diversions exist, right? There’s a world of possibilities to be found by following the ‘Diverted Traffic’ signs around a ring road just East of St. Mystere…
Who’s the helper?
So we reckon that the New World of Steam is taking place in a post-Lost Future world, then, so who will be helping Hershel out this time around? Emmy took her leave in disgrace at the end of Azran Legacy with the potential to one day return, Luke sets sail with his parents following the events of The Lost Future, and Flora isn’t typically held up as the kind of character to do, we don’t know, anything, so who will it be?
Fortunately, we have an actual clue for this one (we know, it’s about time)! The official @LaytonSeries Twitter account posted the teaser trailer on Direct day and we couldn’t help but notice the caption describe the game as “a brand new adventure for Layton and Luke”.
Of course, The Lost Future does finish with Hershel all alone (easy now, you’ll set us off again), though an epilogue cutscene shows the Professor receiving a letter from Luke inviting him to investigate another mystery. For 15 years now that promise of “To Be Continued” has hung over us all. Now that we know Luke’s on board, could The New World of Steam be that very mystery?