Crash Tako Studios has just released the pilot episode of “Pride’s Misfits,” created by the talented Lu Ka-Yun Dawkins an animator and comic artist based in the UK. You can also check out Lu’s work “Lovers in Crime.”
“Pride’s Misfits” follows a young girl determined to become a demon hunter like her fathers. The story is both exciting and heartfelt! The animation quality is top-notch, with beautifully crafted scenes that bring the characters and world to life. The background work is noticiably amazing as well! This pilot was solo animated so it is great to see the results of an amazing indie creator.
The voice acting is equally impressive, with performances by actors who love the roles they played. You can truly hear it in their perfromance! Be sure to check out the pilot! You can also hear Lu as Desiree in our upcoming visual novel and animation!
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