AHOY Comics recently kicked off its series of The Wrong Earth spin-off one-shots with The Wrong Earth: Trapped on Teen Planet. The issue, which saw Earth-Omega’s Dragonfly and Earth-Alpha’s Stinger travel to an Archie-esque world full of forever teenagers and mix-ups at the malt shoppe, is currently sold out at Diamond, though more copies are on the way, and are still available to order from Lunar. Ahead of next month’s release of the second one-shot in the series, The Beat is looking forward with an exclusive advance first look at the third installment, The Wrong Earth: Purple #1. The one-shot, set on a world that never escaped the ’80s, is written by Stuart Moore, with art and colors by Fred Harper and letters by Rob Steen.
Here’s how AHOY Comics describes The Wrong Earth: Purple #1:
The Wrong Earth event of 2022 continues! Meet the masked vigilante Dragon-Fly of Earth-Kappa – a world of big hair, shoulderpads, and funk music, where the 1980s never ended and Greed is always Good. Written by Stuart Moore with stunning art and color by Fred Harper.
Writer Stuart Moore told The Beat a little bit about what to expect in the issue, and praised his collaborator’s work on the one-shot:
“Welcome to Earth-Kappa, the midpoint between the two parallel worlds of The Wrong Earth. Here the 1980s never ended, and stockbrokers rule the world while sinister funk music wafts down the city streets. And the Dragon-Fly prowls…
“I’m in awe of Fred Harper’s art here. He’s made the coloring almost a character in itself. You can smell the stale city air, feel the cold wind slicing through the concrete canyons. And just wait until you see the psychedelic sequence.”
Along with the main cover by The Wrong Earth co-creator Jamal Igle, The Wrong Earth: Purple #1 also features incentive variant covers by Jerry Ordway (1-in-5) and Gene Ha (1-in-10). Ordway’s incentive cover looks to be an homage to his iconic work on DC Comics’s 1989 adaptation of the first Batman movie. If that’s the case the ‘Purple’ of the issue’s title can only refer to The Purple One himself, Prince, which has us even more excited to read this book.
Check out the covers by Ordway and Ha, as well as the exclusive four-page preview of The Wrong Earth: Purple #1 below. The issue is due out in stores and digitally on Wednesday, May 18th.