“Hello! Welcome to another Pirate Penguin vs Ninja Chicken Cartoon Adventure, by me! (Ray Friesen, humble virtuoso and cartoonmonger extraordinaire). Today’s installment is ‘Chips and Also Salsa’ which, as far as titles go, is not a pun, or play on words, or even very clever at all. It’s straight to the point though, which is so important these days.
“Like most creative people, I am almost completely inspired by whatever I happen to be eating at the time, and that is never more clear than in this episode. Although actually, I wasn’t eating chips OR salsa for this one, this was from my ‘Cinnamon Sugar Spaghetti’ period during which I did some of my most zany work. You’ll notice if you read the story backwards, and then decode all the clues, it actually spells out a marvelous recipe for Fire Roasted Pico De Gallo. Fire Roasting makes everything better, especially Cinnamon Sugar Spaghetti.
“Pirate Penguin, as a character, is very similar to me as a human being. We’re both charming, obnoxious food-monsters with hooks on our flippers, and we can both stretch our heads and mouths into many different sizes depending on how much yelling we’re doing. This is a coincidence. Similarly, Ninja Chicken and I are actually extremely different, because I’ve never watched a single cat video or dispensed medical assistance via kicking.
“I would like to remind my more impressionable fans that Pirate Penguin and Ninja Chicken are not amazing role models. Unlike them, you should always chew your food properly, breathe correctly, and never spit half chewed chips into your friend’s faces. However, you should absolutely always film your friends if they’re about to do something that will turn them into an internet sensation, that’s just polite.
“I would also just like to point out that this episode has some great sound effects. Scarmpf. Glormp. Honf. Gleep. These are all super evocative and I should probably win some sort of award. It can be a made-up award, I don’t mind. I just want attention.”
Not enough comics utilize the “Scarmpf” sound effect, and we here at The Beat are glad to see that, finally, a cartoonist has stepped up to rectify that wrong. Check out the exclusive excerpt below. Pirate Penguin vs. Ninja Chicken: Macaroni & Bees!?! is set to arrive in bookstores next Tuesday, September 21st, and in comic shops on Wednesday, September 22nd.