Lord Drakkon has finally let his true colors shine through again, and they came with a few new stripes in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Power Rangers #12, available now from Boom! Studios.
The Power Rangers have never had an easy go of things, but times have never been worse than they are right now. Not only have the heroes’ most powerful allies turned against them, but their most powerful villains are on the verge of snuffing them out completely. To tackle these incredible threats, the Omega Rangers have even taken on the vile Lord Drakkon as a crewmate in the hopes that he might know something they don’t. Unfortunately, the one thing they all knew going into this was that it would only be a matter of time before Drakkon’s true colors shone through once more, though that decision turns out to be hardly his to make in the first place.
In Power Rangers #12 by Ryan Parrott, Francesco Mortarino, Raul Angulo, Jose Enrique Fernandez, and Ed Dukeshire, the Omega Rangers have found themselves facing unimaginable odds in the middle of space when the last living Emissary is brutally murdered by one of the menacing Empyreals. After witnessing their deity torn in half, the Rangers have no hope left but that of escaping. But just when the heroes are just within reach of the Spectrum II, they learn in the worst way possible that it is no longer theirs to command. Drakkon has somehow managed to reclaim his lost powers and used them to turn on the Rangers. Apart from taking their ship and leaving them stranded on a soon-to-be dying world, Drakkon has also killed their robotic compatriot Xi. It’s a devastating revelation to make, even if it was at least partially expected. As unsurprising as Drakkon’s latest heel turn might be, the impetus for it tells a different story than the one that appears to be playing out on the surface.
This lays bare just how desperate the current situation is for Lord Drakkon, which might be even more so than it is for the rest of the universe. As Drakkon explains, he was there to witness the death of the Red Emissary, giving him firsthand knowledge of just how powerful the Empyreals truly were. These heralds of Dark Specter were more than Drakkon was willing to take on, yet the Empyreal he had discovered wasn’t so keen on letting him making any sort of exit. When Drakkon attempted to fight back, he was left scarred for his troubles before being promised a return of his former powers so long as he helped the Empyreals in their quest. Seeing as how his only other option was death, Drakkon relented and pledged his allegiance to the Empyreals’ cause. This makes all of his warnings to the Rangers previously stand out as far more dire than they seemed to be at the time, just as it places even further emphasis on exactly how bad things have become. Jason calls Drakkon out for his actions, stating that the former tyrant doesn’t truly want to betray them. Maybe not so shockingly, this appears to be the case, even if Drakkon won’t admit it. Then again, it doesn’t really matter what he wants so long as the Empyreals have his Power Coin and mortality to hold over his head.
Lord Drakkon has been many things in his time on the comic book page, but an outright coward has never been one of them. He has made plenty of questionable alliances, most often ones that he has broken. Yet even in the course of those temporary partnerships, Drakkon has always come back around to doing whatever was best for himself. When it comes to current events, helping the Empyreals to bring about Dark Specter’s reign is far from the future Drakkon is looking forward to living in, so there may still be some hope he might try and turn things around. With any luck, he’ll be able to do just that before it is too late for his actions to matter whatsoever.
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