Last month, the release of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD once again fanned the flames on one of the biggest controversies the Zelda franchise has ever known. No, we don’t mean the yays and nays of motion controls versus buttons, or the merits of a compartmentalised overworld with dungeon-like design elements versus the open-world approach that would come with Breath of the Wild, nor whether you find companions in Zelda games helpful aides or irritating hangers-on.
No, no, we’re talking about the big question: How do you pronounce ‘Fi’?
Yes, Link’s companion in this HD remaster on Switch has been tweaked to provide 72% less blindingly obvious information on your journey through HD Skyloft and Hyrule, but the answer to this pronunciation question is one of the few things she doesn’t tell you, in this version or the Wii original.
a quick informal poll around the Nintendo Life office indicates that the majority of us have been getting it wrong for a decade
Without voice acting to guide us, it’s left open to player interpretation. According to Nintendo (so, canonically), it’s pronounced /faɪ/ — as in it rhymes with ‘high’ or ‘sky’ or ‘fly’. All handy words when discussing Skyward Sword, in fact.
It makes sense, really. The ‘Fi’ bit of ‘wifi’, ‘hifi’ and ‘sci-fi’ all rhyme with ‘five’, at least in English. Still, a quick informal poll around the Nintendo Life office indicates that the majority of us have been getting it wrong for a decade — most of us say her name /fiː/, as in ‘feet’ or the short version of ‘Fiona’.
We already know what’s ‘right’, but we thought we’d ask you how you pronounce the name of this sharp-witted Zelda character. Below you’ll find a poll asking what you say in your head when this helper pops up with a useful tip. In the Wii original we remember calling the over-informative companion a variety of colourful names that Nintendo wouldn’t endorse, actually, although let’s keep things polite below, okay?
This isn’t the first time we’ve looked at noodle-y pronunciation issues in games — check out our previous polls that look at various game-related words and Pokémon if you’re a lover of all things lingual.
Have you been going against Nintendo’s grain for the last ten years? Feel free (sorry, fiel fry) to elucidate in the comments below.
Further reading: