
Poll: What’s The Best James Bond Game?


Image: EON / MGM

With long-running rumours of a GoldenEye 007 re-release coming soon, we’ve once again been thinking about Rare’s seminal N64 shooter, a landmark first-person shooter which would go on to influence the genre and larger console gaming trends for years following its 1997 release. It is, pretty inarguably, the best James Bond game ever made — certainly the most influential.

However, games that carry the name of the world’s least secret agent have been many and varied, with winners like Everything or Nothing, the underrated World is Not Enough, and a bunch more appearing on Nintendo consoles. 007 might have been quiet for a while — since 2012’s 007 Legends, in fact — but we count 19 James Bond games released for Nintendo platforms over the years.

So while the question posed in the headline above might have an answer that’s a foregone conclusion, we’re very interested to hear about how the other games in 007’s past rank — and who better to consult than you, dear Nintendo Life reader!

Similar to our other reader-ranked polls, we’re asking you lovely lot to rate every James Bond title you’ve played from the list below. We’ve included all the games that have launched on Nintendo systems in some form or another.

Registered Nintendo Life users can click on the stars below and rate the games out of 10. The resulting ranking (which we’ll publish in due course) is created from those fluid NL User Ratings and is therefore subject to change, even after publication. If you’ve previously rated these games in our database, thank you! If not, you can add your score to the game at any time, present or future, and it will still count and potentially influence the order.

So, slip that licence to kill in your top tux pocket and let’s fire up the Aston…

Rate each James Bond game you’ve played:

Click the stars below to rate out of 10 each James Bond game you’ve played:

Thanks for rating your favourites and give us a shout if you think there’s anything missing. We’ll be revealing the results very soon, but remember: much like our platform Top 50s, the list will be fluid, so even if you miss out on voting before the results are revealed, you can still influence the ranking after publication.


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