The Pokémon Company International debuted a new Pokétoon net anime short, “Pokapoka Magumaggu House” (Cozy Slugma House), on the Pokémon Kids TV channel on YouTube on Thursday. Kazuhiko Yabumoto (Tiger & Bunny The Movie -The Rising- animation director) is the director, line director, and storyboarder, with Shingo Yamashita as assistant director. Yasumi Atarashi is credited for the script. Jun Ishikawa designed the characters. Hiro Nagasuna is credted for concept art and art design. Studio Colorido animated the short.
The first Pokétoon short, “POKÉTOON: Scraggy and Mimikyu,” premiered in June 2020. Two new shorts in the series, “Hero ni Naritai Yanchamu” (Pancham Who Wants to Be a Hero) and “Yume no Tsubomi” (Dreaming Tsubomi) debuted on May 5 and June 4 earlier this year, respectively.
The Pokémon Kids TV channel previously debuted the “Mattete ne Koiking” (Just Wait, Magikarp) short in July.
The Pokémon Kids TV YouTube channel launched in 2019 with a focus on children’s programming.
Sources: Pokémon Kids TV Japan YouTube channel, The Mainichi Shimbun’s Mantan Web