The Pokémon Company has announced that Pokémon Unite, the free-to-play MOBA available on both Nintendo Switch and mobile devices, has now surpassed a whopping 50 million downloads.
After initially launching on Switch in July, the game achieved nine million downloads on Nintendo’s platform by September. In that same month, the mobile version was released, seemingly helping the game to reach huge new heights with this latest milestone.
As a thank you, all Pokémon Unite players will be eligible to claim a free gift starting on 9th December. Anyone who logs in will be treated to 2,000 Aeos Tickets, which can be spent on a variety of different in-game rewards.
As you can see, you’ll have until 31st January to claim your prize so make sure to log in by that date.
If you missed the news, 9th December also sees the introduction of the game’s latest Pokémon, Tsareena.