The staff for the Pokémon Journeys: The Series anime revealed on Friday that the character Cynthia/Shirona will appear in the series in the episode that will air on October 8. Tomo Sakurai will return to voice the character. This will be the character’s first appearance in a Pokémon anime in nine years. The character is the Champion of the Sinnoh region’s Pokémon League, and she appeared in the Pokémon – Diamond and Pearl and Pokémon: Black and White anime.
The anime also recently brought back the character Volkner/Denji in August, marking the first time in 11 years the character appeared in a Pokémon anime.
Pokémon Journeys: The Series premiered on TV Tokyo and its affiliates in Japan in November 2019, two days after the Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield games shipped worldwide. The first 12 episodes of the anime debuted in the United States on Netflix in June 2020, and the service added new episodes quarterly. The anime also premiered on the Canadian television channel Teletoon in May 2020.
Netflix confirmed in February that the new batch of episodes that it began streaming on March 5 would be the Pokémon Journey series’ final episodes.
Netflix then premiered Pokémon Master Journeys: The Series, billed as the 24th season of the Pokémon anime, on September 10.
Gekijōban Pocket Monster Koko, the 23rd anime film in the franchise, was delayed from its planned July 2020 opening to December 25 due to the spread of COVID-19. The film will launch on Netflix under the title Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle on October 8.
Source: Comic Natalie