The official Twitter account for the Pokémon Trading Card Game announced on Thursday that Pokémon Trading Card Live, the new free-to-play online app for iOS, Android, PC, and Mac, has delayed its early soft launch for mobile devices in Canada and global open beta for PC and Mac from this year to 2022. The Pokémon Company International will announce launch details at a later date.
In the app, players can add new cards by scanning code cards, purchasing in-game booster packs, and completing in daily quests. They can then build decks and play against others around the world. Players can also customize avatars and accessories. The game will recieve updates with new content after launch.
The Pokémon Trading Card Game Online app launched in 2011 on web browser, in 2012 for PC and Mac, in 2014 on iOS devices, and in 2016 on Android devices. Players can load all of their card collection and progress using the app. The app and online game are free to play. Features of the TCG Online include both player-versus-computer and player-versus-player online battles, deck building, card trading, avatar customization, a Pokémon TCG tutorial, and more.
Sales of trading cards have risen dramatically during the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Ebay reported in February that it saw a 142% rise in domestic trading card growth in 2020 compared to 2019, with Pokémon cards leading the category with a 574% increase in sales.
Source: Pokémon Trading Card Game’s Twitter account via Gematsu