
The Pokémon Company and Nintendo have finally confirmed something that fans have been begging for. Pokémon HOME will be getting an update that will allow the most recent Pokémon games — Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and Pokémon Legends: Arceus — to be compatible with the Cloud service storage app.
With Legends: Arceus being set in the past, Pokémon HOME introduces a new type of Poké Ball for the game — the Strange Ball. When Pokémon are transferred to the game from the Diamond and Pearl remakes or Pokémon Sword and Shield, they will appear in a Strange Ball, because normal Poké Balls don’t exist in this time period yet! These balls will also appear in the Switch remakes, but only when you trade Pokémon from Legends: Arceus.
All of the Switch Pokémon games — including Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! — introduce new moves that aren’t always available in other games, so if a move on your Pocket Monster from Arceus isn’t available in Sword, for example, that move won’t be transferred. Instead, the moves it can learn will be based on the level it’s at when it arrives. But if you send that Pokémon back, it will go back to having all of its original moves.

You’ll also get some mystery gifts when you transfer Pokémon from the new games to Pokémon HOME — a Rowlet, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott with maximum effort values on the app for Legends: Arceus transfers, and a Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup with Hidden Abilities for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl in HOME. So it’s well worth doing!
Here are some more details on what this upcoming 2.0 update will offer:
Linking to Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl
Players can check on the condition of Pokémon deposited from Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl to Pokémon HOME as well as their other details.Please be cautious of the following when connecting Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl to Pokémon HOME.
– Special Pokémon that can only be caught once during regular gameplay can only be deposited once per save data to Pokémon HOME.
– Some Pokémon, such as those obtained through unintended means or by illicit modification, cannot be deposited into Pokémon HOME.
– If there are any other problems with the Pokémon, it cannot be deposited into Pokémon HOME.
Linking to Pokémon Legends: Arceus
You can view the effort levels of Pokémon deposited from Pokémon Legends: Arceus to Pokémon HOME as well as its other details.– The objective of Pokémon Legends: Arceus is to help compile the first Pokédex in the Hisui region. As such, the National Pokédex in Pokémon HOME will update its Pokédex entries based on your completion of the Pokédex in your Pokémon Legends: Arceus save data.
– If a Pokédex entry in Pokémon Legends: Arceus is incomplete, you will not be able to see that Pokémon’s entry in Pokémon HOME.
Additional Achievements and Stickers
Players can obtain stickers by completing achievements by meeting certain conditions in the mobile device version of Pokémon HOME. New achievements and stickers based on Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, and Pokémon Shining Pearl will be added from version 2.0.0 onwards.
We don’t know the exact date for when this update drops, but The Pokemon Company has said “Players can look forward to the update in the coming weeks.” So it can’t be too far off! Get thinking about what you want to put into the app right now!
You can get more details on Pokémon HOME, including the upcoming update, in an update post on the official website. Hopefully, the wait will have been worth it! Share your thoughts, excitement, etc. in the usual spot!