The core principles of the Pokémon series remain unchanged, but there’s been endless growth and innovation throughout the series’ history. There’s a tremendous amount of variety present in the many Pokémon that populate the world, but their many differences shine even more when their various type classifications are examined.
Most Pokémon typings correspond to different elements like fire, water, and electricity, yet some Pokémon represent a more sinister group of Ghost-Type creatures. Ghost-Type Pokémon have made their mark and despite their unique qualities they still have to face a number of difficulties on a regular basis.
10 There Are Barely Any Ghost-Types
There’s definitely a strength in numbers principle that’s applicable to Pokémon, especially when wild Pokémon are under attack. Pokémon can find comfort in the presence of others of their own kind, or at the least other Pokémon that reflect the same type classification. The grand total of Pokémon is verging closer to 1,000 unique creatures, yet there are only 54 Ghost-Type Pokémon, only 13 of which are pure Ghost-Types. This leaves Ghost Pokémon as a poorly represented group that only covers a little over 5% of the total Pokémon population.
9 Ghost Types Typically Have Low HP
Pokémon doesn’t force its audience to play the games a certain way and there are lots of unique strategies that can be adopted. A Pokémon’s maximum health isn’t always the most important factor in battle, but it’s still significant and can ultimately determine the victor. The running norm with Ghost-Type Pokémon is that their maximum HP is on the lower side and pales in comparison to the many other Pokémon that are out there. This may be a reflection of how these Pokémon are supposed to be closer to death, so their life is lower.
8 There Are Few Ghost-Type Attacks
There are an endless variety of attacks that Pokémon can use in battle, some of which are learned naturally and others that can be specifically taught to Pokémon to better cultivate a strategy. Pokémon are often at their strongest when they make use of attacks that reflect their natural type classification.
However, it’s quite limiting to Ghost-Type Pokémon that there aren’t even 20 Ghost-Type moves that exist. This inherently gives a Ghost Pokémon a disadvantage over another Pokémon type with dozens of moves to pull from.
7 Ghost Types Are Feared By The General Public
There are Pokémon that are completely content to exist among other Pokémon and not involve any humans in their lives, but it’s more common for Pokémon and humans to build relationships together. Ghost-Type Pokémon often face hurdles in this department since both humans and other Pokémon are frequently terrified by them. Admittedly, many Ghost Pokémon thrive on chaos and have alarming designs, but Pokémon also makes it clear that it’s never a smart idea to judge a book by its cover.
6 Ghost Types Are Typically Confined To Foreboding Locations
Pokémon is full of exhilarating landmarks and locations across the different regions that make up its world. A lot of these places are friendly and conducive to growth for both Pokémon and their trainers. Naturally, there’s also a dark side to Pokémon’s world and unfortunately these cursed locations are typically the only places that Ghost-Type Pokémon appear.
Ghost Pokémon are common in cemeteries, abandoned houses, and dark caves, which are certainly depressing environments. Ghost Pokémon likely get conditioned from only being around such grim areas and not getting a chance to experience the finer aspects of the Pokémon world.
5 Ghost Types Are Usually Mischievous Pranksters
Pokémon can play many different roles in society and there is no shortage of creatures who go above and beyond and become heroic figures. It must be quite inspirational for one Pokémon to see another receive such acclaim and properly contribute to the world.
However, Ghost-Type Pokémon all seem to pride themselves in their ability to frighten and disarm others. Many Ghost Pokémon even specifically receive power from how much fear they can invoke from their targets. A few noble Ghost Pokémon exist, but it becomes a conflict within them as they reject their ghostly ways.
4 Ghost Types Address Murky Territory Regarding The Afterlife
One of the biggest questions that comes up during the discussion of Ghost-Type Pokémon is whether they’re actually dead or not, and if they are then if they’re able to pass away again. It’s territory that begins to struggle the more closely it’s analyzed and Ghost Pokémon should just be appreciated for the unique angle that they bring to the series. Pokédex entries indicate that Ghost-Type Pokémon are in fact deceased spirits, but they can also faint and permanently perish. Their very existence confuses some Pokémon scholars and makes them the target of many theories and conspiracies.
3 Ghost Attacks Are Super Effective Against Other Ghost-Types
A major aspect of why different Pokémon type designations exist is to lean into the strategic angle of Pokémon battle where each type has its own strengths and weaknesses against corresponding types. A lot of these decisions are logical, but some strangeness arises when it comes to Ghost-Type Pokémon.
Ghost-Type attacks are super effective against other Ghost Pokémon, which makes them their own worst enemy in a tragic sense. They’re also susceptible to Dark-Type attacks because it’s supposed to represent evil punishing these ghosts for their sins, which is also quite nihilistic.
2 Ghost Types Can’t Interact With Corporeal Beings
Different texts can approach the powers that surround ghosts in contrasting manners, but Pokémon adopts a fairly traditional perspective where Ghost Pokémon are incorporeal and they can’t interact with solid objects, and vice versa. This principle is why Ghost-Type attacks are effective against other Ghost Pokémon, but why Fighting- and Normal-Type moves are useless against them because they can’t be touched. It’s an advantage in some circumstances, but a detriment in many more. Ghost-Type Pokémon are forced to phase through objects and rely on humans to help them in order to accomplish larger goals.
1 Ghost Types Have The Least Amount Of Gigantamax Forms
There have been some curious revisions to Pokémon’s evolution process, which has always been one of the core tenets of the series. Basic evolutions still exist, but the series has experimented with bolder transformations like Mega Evolutions as well as Gigantamax forms.
These transformations help present old Pokémon in a fresh light, but it’s unfortunately a privilege that most Ghost-Type Pokémon don’t get to celebrate. There’s only one Ghost Pokémon with a Gigantamax form, Gengar, which leaves Ghost-Types tied with Ice and Ground as having the least Gigantamax representation.
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