
Pokémon Illustration Contest Could See Your Artwork Made Into An Official Trading Card


Pokemon Card Illustration Contest

The Pokémon Company is kicking off its latest Trading Card Illustration Contest, giving fans the chance to share their artwork in a bid to have it transformed into a real card.

Usually restricted to just Japan, the 2022 Contest will also be thrown open to fans across the US (unfortunately, those of us in Europe will still miss out this year). The contest is centred around the theme of “drawing a moment in a Pokémon’s daily life”, with applications set to open next month on 13th October.

The application form, which will start taking entries from that date, explains the process. Essentially, you’ll need to choose from one of eight Pokémon (Bulbasaur, Charizard, Pikachu, Arcanine, Galarian Rapidash, Scizor, Greninja, or Cramorant) and draw it “going about its day while adventuring or enjoying a moment in its daily life.” A background must also be fully illustrated, and all technical requirements are listed on the form.

Below, you’ll find the prizes you can win – the contest will be judged by a mighty lineup including the president of The Pokémon Company, the president and art director at Creatures, and a team of official Pokémon TCG illustrators. So no pressure, then.

Grand Prize Winner
One (1) Grand Prize Winner from either Japan or the United States will receive a cash value of $5,000.
AND the winner’s illustration will be made into a promo card.

First Runner-Up (Japan / United States)
Two (2) total First Runners-Up, one (1) from Japan and one (1) from the United States, will receive a cash value of $3,000.
AND each runner-up’s illustration will be made into a promo card.

Second Runner-Up
Two (2) Second Runners-Up from either Japan or the United States will receive a cash value of $1,000.

Judges’ Award
Fifteen (15) Judges’ Award Winners from either Japan or the United States will receive a cash value of $500.

Think you’re up to the task? If you do decide to enter next month, best of luck!


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