
Pin Master Review – All Ages of Geek


Are you a fan of Bowling? Do you love NFTs? Then Pin Master is just the place to be. “Fantasy
sports and the gaming culture turned football, basketball, and eSports, into the powerhouses
they are today. It’s now Bowling’s time to grow. is a collaboration between the
International Bowling Federation, Spark Compass, and Onboard Games. We are creating the
world’s first crossover game that combines real world bowling with video game play.” Let’s chat about how this all works.

What makes their project stand out is users will be able to create their own NFT to use in this
interactive game. The user will get 20 duplicates and earn 1% in royalties on all of their 20
NFTs. They also offer an amazing character creation suite where users can create their own
NFT. This is perfect for fans of The Sims because of their amazing character creation options!
Users are also given the ability to upload their own custom art. This is something very unique
because you will be able to represent yourself in any way over on Pin Master.

They are working on making partnerships with bowling alleys across the world. But what is it all about? Users can go and bowl in real life and have the chance to earn NFTs if that alley is
affiliated with Pin Master. This is perfect for professional bowlers looking to earn as they play
and even NFT fans who are interested in bowling. This is something completely new and
creative! Supporters also can expect to receive in real life rewards. For example they have a
weekly prize pool and tournaments. There is a cash prize of $1200 every week! Be sure to join
their discord server to learn more.

This project has so much to offer. Not many projects you come across offer character creation,
real life game opportunities, weekly prizes and a professional website. Over on their website
they go into great detail about Pin Master and what supporters can expect to gain. Pin Master
truly has it all.

With much to come in the future, fans of NFTs should consider checking out all of Pin Master’s
links. There you will be able to read all about their project, view their creation suite, and maybe
purchase your next big NFT. Support them today. You won’t regret it.



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