Overwatch may be a team-based affair, but one player can definitely keep your team stranded in Bronze. Fortunately, judicious picks can get you out.
While it’s nearly impossible for one person to carry the team for an entire Overwatch match, it’s remarkably easy to put a winning team on a losing path when a player doesn’t pull their weight. During a competitive game, the losing team has a deduction from their Skill Rating (SR) score while the winners gain SR. Once SR reaches a certain number, the player falls into one of several tiers, with Bronze being the lowest, followed by Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Masters, and Grand Masters.
The problem of being easy-to-lose-yet-hard-to-win is magnified the lower you get in the skill tiers. Since players can’t get lower than Bronze, it may feel like an inescapable prison for all but the worst or least experienced players the game has to offer. Thankfully, Blizzard has included a few heroes that can take quickly boost a player out of there no matter where you’re playing.
Support: Mercy
Mercy is mobile, her healing is consistent and she carries the best support ability the game has, “Resurrect.” With it, she can undo even the most embarrassing eliminations, so anything short of walking off of the map is a rectifiable mistake. While it is limited by a high cooldown timer and proximity to the fallen teammate, resurrecting a teammate with an active ultimate ability can mean the difference between winning and losing a match.
Common mistakes with Mercy include the inability to find and stay behind cover and spending too much time with one hero. Mercy players in bronze should focus on staying alive as a top priority, as she’s a high-value target for the other team. Since the cooldown timer on her resurrection ability is so long, it should only ever be used on teammates with ultimate abilities available or if the enemy team isn’t actively engaged in combat. Bronze players should learn to use her mobility abilities to navigate terrain at every opportunity and get out of sticky situations while simultaneously keeping everyone up at 75% of their health before moving on to other teammates.
Tank: Roadhog
Roadhog possesses two key abilities which make him a strong pick in the Bronze tier: “Take a Breather,” which allows him to restore his own health while reducing incoming damage, and “Chain Hook, ” his signature crowd control ability which draws an opposing character directly in front of him after stunning them. These abilities form a potent combination that can take down even the toughest of heroes, making him a great pick for generating a numbers advantage and winning fights outright.
Players should also remember that Roadhog’s chain can be used to interrupt abilities and ultimates (effectively canceling them), as well as eliminating heroes by dropping them off the map. In Bronze, it’s important for Roadhog players to stay close to their team, as the hook provides ample opportunity for the rest of the team to follow up on hooked opponents.
Damage: Bastion
Bastion is a viable pick thanks to his generous damage output and simple mechanics. In Recon mode, the robot can be played as anyone would play a generic first-person shooter, providing extra damage while repositioning. The meat of the Bastion gameplay, however, is Sentry mode. Although Bastion remains immobile in this form, the massive damage output means eliminating it is a team effort, especially if you’ve placed Bastion behind cover or shields to fire indiscriminately towards the enemy. As simple as this sounds, it can be used to cover the entry of your other damage character into opposing backlines or pressure enemy shields.
As opposed to his niche status in higher tiers, Bastion players can run around nearly every map in Bronze if they are willing to relocate frequently. Bastion’s turret form makes it completely immobile, so constantly finding new angles that provide cover while dealing damage is a key strategy for success in every map type that isn’t Escort or hybrid, where the payload provides movement. The Kill-Relocate-Kill-Relocate strategy is not only a great strategy for players going at the competitive scene solo but can also provide benefits as a team as well.
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