
Popular Illustrator LAM’s Hatsune Miku Art Elaborately Made into a Figure! Available for 1 Domestic and 1 Overseas Fans!
What You Need to Know:
- Yesterday, Otaku Coin started a 3-day limited twitter RT campaign for 1 domestic and 1 overseas fans to win ‘Hatsune Miku LAM Rock Singer Ver. 1/7 Scale Figure’.
- The figure is created by Tokyo Otaku Mode, one of the Otaku Coin Association’s partner companies, based on a new illustration by popular illustrator LAM. Pre-order for the figure has started on August 30, 2021.
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Campaign Period: Friday, 9/10 12:30 to Sunday, 9/12 23:59 JST
Entry Method: Retweeting and liking the campaign tweet
A DM will be sent to the winners, so make sure to follow the appropriate official account.
Domestic entries will only be accepted on @OtakuCoinCom, and overseas entries only on @OtakuCoinEn.
About the Hatsune Miku Figure
The figure is made based on a new illustration by LAM, an up-and-coming illustrator who works on character design, visual works, book illustrations, and more. It features Hatsune Miku in a punk style outfit with an MA-1 Jacket and a guitar. It is a masterpiece with elaborately-made pieces such as the costume, accessories, and even the backside of the guitar.
The figure is currently in production and taking pre-orders, therefore the delivery is scheduled for August 2022 (Delivery schedule may change according to the production).
Visit otakumode.com for more details on ‘Hatsune Miku LAM Rock Singer Ver. 1/7 Scale Figure (Retail Price: 133.00 USD)’. Pre-orders are currently available.
Source: Official Press Release

Let’s all enter!!

Yes! I love this figure!