Rejoice, JRPG fans. Bravely Default 2 has finally arrived on PC, and cor, you’re in for a treat. Previously confined to Nintendo-only consoles, first on the 3DS and later the Switch, the Bravely series is simultaneously a love letter to the classics and – in my eyes, at least – one of the genre’s best modern advocates. We’ve seen plenty of games try to reinterpret Final Fantasy’s four heroes of light and elemental crystal schtick over the years, but Bravely Default is the one that really gets it, scratching that retro itch while also bringing something new to the table in the form of its fantastic risk and reward battle system, compelling job classes and absolute chefkiss.gif soundtrack (which also plays a surprisingly big role in combat, too). It’s legit one of my favourite JRPG series to date, and I’m so pleased it’s finally made its way to PC.