
Of all the retro Final Fantasy games, you should definitely make time for FF4


I came to Final Fantasy IV (or II, if you’re American) pretty late in the day. At the time, back in the mists of 1991, it was never actually released in the UK. I was also just three-years-old then, but that’s besides the point. Instead, we had to wait another decade until it got a proper UK release, where it landed on the original PlayStation in 2002. However, because I was young and naive and far too wrapped up playing Final Fantasies VII-IX at that point, it never even occurred to me to look back down the Roman numeral line and pick it up. Heck, I even missed its appearance on the GBA in 2006 – arguably the last ‘best’ version of this early 90s classic. It wasn’t until the 3D Remake arrived on the Nintendo DS in 2008 that I finally sat up and took notice – a whole 17 years after it first came out.

But cor, I’m glad I did, because Final Fantasy IV is still arguably one of the best Final Fantasy games ever made, and is easily the best (or second best, depending on who you ask) of the older retro ones. If there’s one Final Fantasy game you make time for over the next few months, make it FFIV.


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