Octopath Traveler II is set to come to the Switch on 24th February 2023, and in the run-up to this brand new journey, Square Enix has been sharing some information on the eight different heroes whose paths you can, erm, travel.
We got a taste of what each of these characters will bring to the game in the Octopath Traveler II announcement trailer which released as a part of this year’s Nintendo Direct Showcase. While the trailer did a good job at revealing the eight characters’ names and the kind of jobs they hold, it provided little more information about what we can expect to find on their paths or how their abilities will play out in battle.
Fortunately, Square Enix has begun to publish more details on these characters and we have assembled all of the necessary information into the guide below.
The character profiles appear to be releasing every few days, so keep an eye on this page as we will continue to update the guide with all we know.
Octopath Traveler II Character Roster
Revealed in the Direct trailer, Octopath Traveler II will see the eight different heroes interact with each other as they go about their journeys. The extent of this interaction is currently unknown, but the level of overlap is sure to make having a knowledge of each character’s unique abilities more important than ever before.
Hikari, the Warrior
The first hero to receive a character profile is Hikari, the warrior, whose path is titled ‘A Journey for Home.’
The official Octopath Traveler 2 website provides a brief summary of Hikari’s character, which, according to the Google Translate function, reads as follows:
This is is the Hinoeuma region, where the wind blows dust. You are 21-year-old “Swordsman” Hikari Ku. You, who was born as the second prince of the country of Ku, are most worried about the country and its people who are constantly at war.
The swordsman possesses a variety of sword and spear attacks, making him a physical attacking member of the party.
Path action:
During the day, Hikari will be able to apply to battle local townspeople using the ‘Match’ field command. A certain character level will need to be reached to battle stronger opponents.
At night, Hikari will be able to bribe other characters with money. The amount that each bribe costs will depend on the person to whom you are talking and what information is required.
Unique action:
By winning a battle, Hikari will learn a technique from his opponent which can then be used in future combat.
Shadow Power:
Hikari appears to possess a special ability called ‘Shadow Power’ which releases high-damage attacks without consuming SP.
Agnea, the Dancer
Agnea — also referred to as ‘the Dancer’ — is the lead character of the storyline ‘A Journey for Stardom.’
According to her character summary on the Octopath Traveler II website, Agnea’s path will be one of the game’s most wholesome, journeying across the country in an attempt to continue her mother’s dancing prowess:
This is the Leafland region where the rich forest spreads. You are 18-year-old “dancer” Agnea Bristani. Dancing in a small bar in a small country town, you have a very big dream. Your journey begins with your heart full of hope.
The dancer’s abilities allow Agnea to grant bonuses to her allies such as strengthening their attacks, removing enemy shields and changing the order of battle commands.
Path action:
By day, Agnea will be able to talk to local townspeople and bring them along on her journey using the ‘temptation’ command.
By night, Agnea will be able to use an ability to beg for offerings from the locals.
Unique action:
Any dancer move used in battle will grant bonuses to any of the townspeople who have been brought along with ‘temptation.’
Partitio, the Merchant
Partitio, ‘the Merchant’, is the hero of ‘A Journey for Prosperity’ – a quest that looks to be all about removing poverty and achieving a sense of equality across the land.
In the Direct trailer, the character can be found making the following statement: “I’m hitting the road. I’ll be back once I eliminate that Devil called poverty from the world.”
Osvald, the Scholar
Holding the job title of ‘the Scholar,’ Osvald’s storyline was revealed in the original trailer to be called ‘A Journey for Revenge.’
The character can be seen appearing outside of a house on fire, as his voice over states, “the man who took everything from me shall die by my hand.” Are we safe to assume that Osvald’s family was trapped in that house? All will be revealed when we see his official summary.
Throné, the Thief
There is very little that we can currently surmise from Throné, ‘the Thief.’ We know that she will be the lead hero in ‘A Journey for Freedom,’ but what this will actually entail is unclear.
The Direct trailer saw Throné saying, “Not again. Not this stench. The stench of blood,” while a small amount of gameplay footage saw the thief getting whipped by her mother.
Temenos, the Cleric
Temenos the Cleric will clearly rely on magical abilities throughout their storyline, ‘A Journey for Truth.’
The small amount of gameplay footage that we have seen of the character so far seemingly sees them summoning other characters to their aid in battle.
Ochette, the Hunter
Ochette’s job is that of a Hunter, and their storyline looks to be appropriately animal themed. They will be the lead hero in ‘A Journey for Legends’, though it is currently unclear what their abilities will entail.
Castti, the Apothecary
Holding the job of ‘the Apothecary,’ Castti’s story looks to be all about delving into the character’s past.
The official title of her path is ‘A Journey for Memories’ and the Direct trailer furthers this sense of introspection, with the character stating, “I need to rediscover who I am.”
At the time of writing, this is all of the character information that we have received for Octopath Traveler II. More will be revealed in the coming weeks and we will continue to update this guide accordingly.
Which character are you the most excited to play with? Let us know your starting journey in the comments below!