NFTs are slowly taking over the internet. New creators and artists jump in the metaverse and bring their visions to life. Independent artists join the space and change the way NFTs are viewed throughout the world. Today we are going to chat all about the collection NVRMNDxVIZUALS, their designs, how you can support them, and the meaning behind this project.
NVRMNDxVIZUALS is a collection created by NVRMND, an independent artist looking to bring positivity to his community. The designs in this collection are extremely beautiful. This collection touches on many different themes, for example the piece Geometry in Life is all about how geometry is seen throughout the world, and is balanced like everything should be. The meaning can be interpreted by each viewer, however these NFTs truly bring positivity and awareness to the metaverse.
NVRMNDxVIZUALS can be found on OpenSea. There you can see their amazing collection. Collectors looking to add more abstract pieces to their gallery should definitely consider checking their work out. Not only do you get to see their amazing NFTs but you also get to read the meaning behind each unique art piece.
This collection aims to inspire viewers and change their lenses of life. These NFTs want viewers to see things from different perspectives. Not only do these NFTs have amazing designs but the meaning behind each piece is amazing. Consider supporting their work today by checking them out on OpenSea.
OPENSEA: https://opensea.io/collection/nvrmndxvizuals