
Nintendo has announced that it is releasing two new updates for Nintendo Switch Sports this week that will hopefully restore online functionality and fix a bug that was introduced into the game via version 1.2.1 (via VGC).
After last week’s update, many players reported that the game would crash while loading matches — both online and offline — so Nintendo retracted the patch and pulled Switch Sports servers offline for the weekend. But today, the company has shared details of a two-part update that looks to fix the issue and restore online connectivity for budding Switch Sports players.
The first of the updates, version 1.2.2, drops on 18th October and it looks to restore online play. Version 1.2.3 will release on 20th October and will restore any save data back-ups you might have for the game. Nintendo has advised that if you’re still struggling to get online after ver. 1.2.2, then wait until 1.2.3 is live and downloaded.
As an apology, Nintendo will also be extending subscriptions for Nintendo Switch Online (for those who were already signed up to the service and played Nintendo Switch Sports) by a week. And, from 18th October to 3rd November, you’ll get double points for playing online. It’s also detailed that you’ll be able to get items you missed out on further down the line.
Hopefully, this fixes the issue for everyone, but we’ll have our eyes on the ball to ensure we let you know when the updates go live!
The next major update to Nintendo Switch Sports is still scheduled for the holiday season, which will introduce Golf to the game.
Have you been affected by this Nintendo Switch Sports bug? Come down to the courts and tell us below!