While Nintendo’s sizeable regional teams around the world evidently do an excellent job of promoting and selling the Switch, we often find ourselves admiring the homely and natural style seen in some of the company’s Japanese marketing. This is most evident in extended seasonal commercials, which often emphasize the role of a Switch in day-to-day life.
In the first of two recent commercials, above, we have a group of three going on a Holiday together. This takes in Universal Studios Japan, as a handy bit of cross promotion, and also shows the group playing Switch together in a hotel. In a lovely final touch, one starts to create a memory island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the way home.
The second commercial, below, focuses on a family heading for a quiet Holiday. The dynamic shifts to parents playing with children, of course, and again it’s focused on multiplayer games. It also sounds a little like a Satoru Iwata clip saying “Nintendo Switch” at the end, but we can’t be absolutely certain.
It’s interesting to see this approach to marketing, especially in Japan where the portable aspect of Switch is so vital to its appeal. It puts plenty of focus on sharing game time, too.
Let us know what you think of these commercials, as always, in the comments.