Comics Reviews

Nightwing Created the Ultimate Tribute to Alfred Pennyworth’s Legacy


As Dick Grayson becomes an increasingly public figure in Bludhaven, he decides to build his legacy in the city to honor Alfred’s example.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Nightwing #83, on sale now from DC.

Of all the tragedies Batman and his allies have endured over their combined years of crimefighting, few hit harder than the murder of longtime Wayne family butler and surrogate father figure Alfred Pennyworth. A reliable anchor and constant source of emotional support for the Bat Family, Alfred was brutally killed at the hands of Bane in the supervillain’s latest bid to break Batman and take over Gotham City. And while the superhero community of the DC Universe continues to mourn Alfred’s untimely passing, Dick Grayson has decided to devote his life towards building a better future in Alfred’s name as the ultimate tribute to the man who helped raise him.

Following Alfred’s death, Dick discovered that he left him a sizable trust fund as part of his inheritance. Valued in the billions, Dick was now effectively richer than Bruce Wayne but uncomfortable at the moral question if a billionaire can be a good person, taking into account all the extreme poverty, not just in the world but in Dick’s home city of Bludhaven. And after sharing his concerns with Superman and receiving some words of wisdom, Dick decides to move forward with his plans for his newfound fortune, tying it directly to the life and legacy of Alfred in a move that not only establishes Dick Grayson as the richest man in Bludhaven but the target of the city’s criminal underworld as revealed in Nightwing #83 by Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas and Wes Abbott.

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Nightwing Alfred Pennyworth Foundation

Dick makes a public, televised statement where he announces the establishment of a charitable foundation to use his trust fund to combat poverty and hunger in Bludhaven. Naming this new, philanthropic enterprise after Alfred Pennyworth in his honor, Dick plans to use the foundation towards creating affordable housing, rehabilitating the criminally convicted, providing access to decently paying jobs and improving the city’s all-around infrastructure. The rest of the Bat Family privately congratulates Dick on his decision and tribute to Alfred, with even the normally taciturn Batman taking the time to call Dick directly and thank him for his new endeavor in honor of their shared father figure.

Of course, Dick’s public announcement isn’t met with appreciation throughout all corners of Bludhaven. Blockbuster is seen visibly angered by Dick’s statement, particularly when he issues a call to eradicate crime and corruption across the entire city. And with the new supervillain Heartless steadily preying upon Bludhaven, literally tearing out their hearts, Dick’s publicly expressed generosity and hopes for the city quickly places him to the top of Heartless’ hit list. Feeling that Dick’s foundation will impact his own plans to shape Bludhaven, Heartless decides to target the original Boy Wonder, making him Dick Grayson’s identity both in his civilian and superhero life.

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Nightwing Alfred Pennyworth Foundation 1

While Nightwing has encountered more than his fair share of corruption and graft that appears inherent to Bludhaven, he has also had his faith in the city recently and firmly restored too, with the citizens helping him in his latest showdown against Heartless. Now with the funding to expand his plans to improve the city, Dick Grayson is the most public he has been in years, and one of the world’s leading philanthropists, all in the name of Alfred Pennyworth. But with Bludhaven never a city to leave a good deed go unpunished, Dick’s big moves also places a large target on his own head as the most dangerous figures in Bludhaven are now gunning for both sides of his life.

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