“Big Mouth,” the controversial animated Netflix series allegedly “grooms children for sexual abuse.” That’s the claim of a renowned family media watchdog group, the Parents Television and Media Council, who released their report last week in Parents Magazine. The PTC also is urging authorities to inquire about the show for suspected violations of children’s pornography since the adult animated TV series unabashedly focuses on secondary-school students in puberty and portrays 12 and 13 year olds in sexual settings and involved in sexual intercourse.
This report contains graphic images, which list for the 10 episodes of the 4th season “sexualizing or sexually exploiting content involving children.” PTC concluded that “nearly four instances of gender or violence and profane, insane, or obscene language” were included every minute of programming for all 4.5 hours of “Big Mouth’s” fourth season programming.
In fact, the recent fourth season has “17 animation nudity incidents, most of which feature minor-age character genitals.” PTC also counted ‘190 sexual allusions or sexual innuendo occasions.’ The program also included a host of vulgarity and sexually charged language “the PTC has never seen or heard on any television program [in] its 26-year history.”
This report also reports that the show contains a scene where a character that exposes his genitals to another character before asking them to touch and “taste” what they are like, comparing his genitals to two duck eggs in a “hairy nest,” a male minor character digitally penetrating a female minor character and multiple depictions of minor boys in a communal shower with their private parts on full display.
“It should shock the conscience to see children sexually exploited for the sake of entertainment and financial profit, as they are on Big Mouth. Seeing children used in this way for the entertainment of adults violates our sensibilities, especially when, across the nation and around the world, sexual assault is spiking, and women and children are being held in sexual bondage,” said PTC President Tim Winter in a statement.
“We would have thought that Hollywood, following on the heels of its reckoning with the #MeToo movement, would eschew the production and distribution of programming that centers on sexual exploitation,” he added. “It is unfathomable that Netflix hosts a program suggesting a child be held down and having a penis forced into his mouth; that a child would offer to fellate his own father; that a character would suggest having sex with his own excrement and then eat it. But that, and more, is on Netflix’s Big Mouth.”
But it shouldn’t surprise our readers. We’ve reported previously how the show depicted two children being beguiled by a female demon until they eventually take off their clothes and begin dancing with other naked adults. They signed a deal with the devil long ago.
Netflix is sick.