Studio Eight Colors, a new anime studio, was established in Kochi prefecture in July 2021. Studio Eight Colors launched as a hand-drawn animation with a focus on utilizing digital technology. Studio Colorido founder Hideo Uda is the CEO of the new studio. Former representative director of the studio Graphinica Nobuhiro Ito will participate in the board of directors at Studio Eight Colors.
Studio Eight Colors is named after Yairocho in Kochi prefecture. Yairocho refers to the fairy pitta bird, or “the bird of eight colors.” The studio aims to create “beautiful works that fascinate people” like the fairy pitta.
Kochi Prefecture is making an effort into the concentration of IT and content-related industries. Studio Eight Colors will hold a recruitment briefing session for digital animators in November. The studio is working to combine the activities of creators and the content creation from rural areas. The studio aims to give creators in Kochi can an active role locally. In the future, the studio plans to expand production bases in the prefecture.
Studio Eight Colors worked on finish animation and in-between animation for the Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion Z anime.
Uda (oictured above) established Studio Colorido in 2011. Studio Colorido is known for such anime as Typhoon Noruda, Penguin Highway, and A Whisker Away. The studio worked on the “Tattooine Rhapsody” anime short in Lucasfilm‘s Star Wars: Visions anthology of animated shorts and the Pokémon: Twilight Wings series of net anime shorts. The studio also animated the Burn The Witch film.
Graphinica replaced Ito with Nao Hirasawa as its representative director in March 2020. Graphinica is known for its 3D CGI and photography work in anime, including in Girls & Panzer, Expelled from Paradise, Chain Chronicle: The Light of Haecceitas, Occultic;Nine, Granblue Fantasy the Animation, The [email protected], and many other productions. The studio produced the Jūni Taisen series with Avex Pictures, and collaborated again with the company to jointly launch the “Flagship Line” company in July 2018. The company’s recent works include the Re:Stage! Dream Days television anime and Hello World anime film.
Sources: Studio Eight Colors‘ website, Animation Business Journal (Tadashi Sudo)