Hello everyone, MinaRose2023 here coming to you from Nan Desu Kon! I had a lot of fun I saw cosplayers which I will show below. I met voice actresses at a Women in Anime Panel and I got merch. I’ll show the merch I got and the cosplayers bellow.

Wolfie0614 qrow

Mailizziebee starfighter
The Women in Anime was my favorite part the three women talking Olivia Swasey, Lauren Landa and Jessica Cavanagh answered all our questions and gave us light into what it is like voicing in anime for women characters. They’re definitely happy we got more diversity in female characters but definitely they hope for more diverse women with different body types as well. However they can only wish for this cause They’re voice actresses only. Except for Jessica Cavanagh who is also a dub script writer, one female character she loved was Moriko Morioka from Recovery of an MMO Junkie. She says she loved writing for this character. BTW Jessica Cavanagh voices Aquarius in Fairy Tail, Olivia Swasey voices Maya Tendou in Revue Starlight and Lauren Landa voices Sailor Neptune in Sailor Moon and Kyouko Sakura in Puella Magi Madoka Magica. It was great being able to be present for this panel.

When I met Lauren Landa I loved talking about Sailor Moon with her. She grew up watching Sailor Moon like I did and it was just great knowing that and that they voiced these characters that also mean a lot to them too. Olivia Swasey was super cool talking to her too about Revue Starlight and how amazing it is the varied female characters in that anime.

All in all it was wonderful the con. I can’t wait to go to another Anime Convention I hope to share more with you all in the future!